Our P7 Community squad have helped to launch our Park Smart campaign. Please see their letter attached. We would like everyone’s help to ensure there are no further parking problems near our school. Parksmart letter to parents
November Newsletter
Contingency Planning
All schools have been requested to inform parents of the contingency plans for their school in case of changing scenarios due to Covid-19. Please see the letter below. There is an introduction from Midlothian Council and then the contingency plan…
Statutory School Consultation – Glencorse Primary School
Statutory School Consultation – Glencorse Primary School The council has a statutory duty to consult when proposing a permanent change to any of its schools, such as a school closure. In accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, Midlothian Council…
Online Learning
All classes have a new Google classroom for this session and the information on our School App gives further information on how to access these. These online classrooms will support work in school and provide opportunities for home learning, either…
Nasal Flu Immunisations 30th September
Flu immunisations will take place in school on Wednesday 30th September by the Nursing team. They will visit each classroom throughout the day to carry these out safely. Please return any outstanding permission forms to school as soon as possible.…