Do you have any good fundraising ideas? If so then bring then along to the next meeting being held at Beeslack High School at 7pm on Thursday 9th November. Come along and show your support for the school. Get involved in…
Category: Uncategorized
October Newsletter
A ‘Medication in School’ form must be completed and signed by the parent/carer before any medication can be given by staff. Medicines must be prescribed and have the appropriate label on the bottle for this to be given during school hours. Medication…
Halloween Parties
Download 2017 Halloween Party Flyer Please return to school with payment by Friday 13th October.
Cycle Friendly School Award
Class Newsletters
Please find a newsletter from each class under ‘Classes’ here on our website. It outlines the learning to take place in the classroom for term 1. We hope you find it useful and informative. It might be used as a…
Tesco Tokens for Play Therapy
Throughout the months of September and October Play Therapy for Penicuik primary schools is one of the three chosen groups for Tesco Penicuik blue token scheme. Please put your Tesco blue tokens into the Play Therapy container and Mauricewood could…
Parent Council & PTA AGM Mon 25th Sept 7pm
How can you get involved in the life of your child’s school? Come along and be part of the Parent Council or the PTA. We would love to see more parents and carers join our Parent groups. Come along to our AGM to find…
June Newsletter
Please download our June Newsletter here
Dress Down Day Friday 2nd June
Our Parent Fundraising Team are holding a Dress Down Day on Friday 2nd June and in return they are looking for donations for the tombola, second hand toys and home baking.