Please go to our Useful Information section for our up to date full Standards and Quality Report 2017/18. A summary of the Standards and Quality Report is also available.
Month: September 2018
Parent Council Meeting
Our next parent Council meeting will be on Thursday 20th September at 7pm in the school. The main items on the agenda will be Home/school communication, Council updates including Caretaker, School Photographer and School reports. There are some ongoing items…
Mauricewood Matters
Come along to our speed dating type evening on Thursday 13th September at 6.30pm to find out what matters in Mauricewood Primary. All parents are invited. There will be information shared about our Positive Behaviour approach and various developments within…
Action for Happiness Course
An eight week course for adults is being held at Strathesk Primary School on Thursdays from 1-3pm. It starts on Thursday 27th September. The course will explore what really matters for a happy and meaningful life. If interested please use…
Parent Council & PTA Annual General Meeting
We would like to warmly invite all parents to our Annual General Meeting for our Parent Council and PTA Support Groups. The meeting will be held in school on Monday 24th September at 7pm. Please come along and see how…