We are welcoming our parents in throughout this week from Monday 29th May until Friday 2nd June to talk to the children about their learning. Please join your child for 10 minutes to share their learning file.
Council Election and General Election School Closure
Council Election – 4th May 2017 General Election – 8 June 2017 You will be aware that the Prime Minister, Theresa May, has called a General Election to be held on 8 June 2017. This means that the school will be…
Parent Council Meeting 27.04.17
Our next meeting is on Thursday 27th April at 7pm in the school. Our main agenda item is the School Building with Sandra Banks attending to join the discussion. All parents are welcome and we look forward to seeing many of you.
Winter arrangements for snow & wet weather
Pupils are encouraged to go outside in most weather conditions and should have waterproofs etc when the weather is wet or snowy. When the playgrounds are particularly wet or icy, pupils may not be allowed outside at break times for…
Scots Night
We are looking forward to an evening of Scottish entertainment on Wednesday 1st February from 6.30pm. Children from all stages of the school will be reciting poems, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. Tickets have been issued to performers today.
Class Newsletters
Please find a newsletter from each class under ‘Classes’ here on our website. It outlines the learning to take place in the classroom for term 3. We hope you find it useful and informative. It might be used as a…