Could we please remind all parents who are bringing or collecting children at our school and parking on the surrounding streets of Mauricewood and Greenlaw Mains that you respect the residents and their property including their driveways. We have had several reports of…
Information for new P1 children August 2018
P1 letter 18-2hkpkut
Spring Fete Friday 2018 12:30-2:30pm
Spring Fete -1njutzq
Magical Woodland Walk
The Big Bike Breakfast
Our first Big Bike Breakfast is being organised by Mauricewood Mini Riders Bike Crew on Wednesday 28th March. Download the Big Bike Breakfast letter.
ParentPay – Our New Online School Payment Service
ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, milk, trips and much more. I’m delighted to inform you that our school will go-live with ParentPay on 19th March 2018.…