Our theme in our connects newsletter this week is looking after Mental Health. There are links included where further information can be found and, though we may be teaching at a disctance, school is available to help with any difficulties…
Transition to Primary 1 and S1
Please find below information from Midlothian Council about transition arrangements for children starting P1 and S1 in August 2020. Further information will follow. Midlothian Council ELC to P1 Transition Midlothian Council P7 to S1 Transition
Mauricewood’s Staff Message to our families
Mauricewood Connects 6
Our Connects newsletter this week is outlining our school community and highlights the different ways the school is able to communicate with everyone. Please see the link below to ensure the school is reaching you via the different platforms. If…
Mauricewood Connects 5
Please click below to read more about thinking with a growth mindset. Mauricewood Connects 5
Google Classrooms for Home Learning
On Monday 20th April all our children should be accessing their Google Classroom to begin online learning in a new way. Classroom codes have been added to the News section of our school app. You can download ‘School App for…