Author: mwadmin2

Magical Woodland Walk

Stilt walkers from Rowanbank – Woodland Trust Scotland arrived in school today to invite classes to this free family event on Saturday 17th March 11am – 12.30pm. See the photo of the flyer for more details. More information about the company can…

The Big Bike Breakfast

Our first Big Bike Breakfast is being organised by Mauricewood Mini Riders Bike Crew on Wednesday 28th March.  Download the Big Bike Breakfast letter.

ParentPay – Our New Online School Payment Service

ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, milk, trips and much more. I’m delighted to inform you that our school will go-live with ParentPay on 19th March 2018.…

Survey for Feedback on School Website We are looking to update and make changes to our school website.  In order to do this we would like feedback from parents/carers by completing a short survey of 9 questions using the link above. A paper copy of the survey is…

Entering and exiting the school during inclement weather

Our Primary 1 and Primary 7 doors at either end of the school will be open, for the children to enter the school at the beginning of the school day before the bell, if the weather is icy, snowing or extremely…

Family Ceilidh

Please download the letter Family Ceilidh 2018 regarding our new event taking place at The Craigie on Thursday 1st February.